About Leelahel

Welcome to my blog! Please call me Leelahel. πŸ¦΄πŸ’€πŸ’œ

Throughout my life I have referred to myself as a love letter to the universe. I get the most out of connecting with like-minded people and exploring deep subjects of mysticism and the psyche. At my most essential level I am a spiritual person that lives intensely and accumulates varied life experience, and I use the Internet to share highlights of my life with everybody.


The path I currently tread is one I inherited. My life’s work includes helping others chart out a plan to overcome their own obstacles. I have dedicated the last seven years of my life to helping others, and do so with gusto! It is rewarding to witness first hand how others process and identify their inner strength, and then seeing where they take things from there. Results are often inspiring examples of how others take charge of their lives.

For eighteen years I have been weaving personalized stories together to help others figure out what options they have, and why their lives run the course they do. I delight in the act of reading cards and devote all of my attention to tuning in and delivering a reading with integrity and with a bite. While I do not sugarcoat and prefer to read exactly what is on the table, I aim to point out possible alternative courses that can be taken to improve any given situation if the possibility is present. I am here to help you.


When I am without accompaniment I can be found at my desk listening to various ASMR ambiences as I write feverish journals or battle my psyche to produce new artwork. I feel the most purposeful when I am working towards creating a body of work that depicts how I view and interact with the world I live in. I yearn to decorate the walls with whimsically dark artwork, to lighten the lives of others with carefully crafted greeting cards and with imaginative portraits. 

My biggest wish is to live in a quiet space with the person I love; a house with a red door and a garden. I dream of having my tea in the mornings while my pet rabbit hops in the garden. There, I will look over my cards for the day and lay the plan out for the work to be done and the illustrations to breathe life into. This would be my happy place; I honestly feel the most accomplished when I am being productive.


Simple pleasures often go the furthest. My hobbies include writing and diarykeeping, drawing, readings blogs or cards, listening to and feeling music, dancing in the dark shroud of Cloak and Dagger, and spending time with my boyfriend and his sphynx cat.  On our down time you can find us listening to Synthwave and playing Star Wars Destiny. He plays Darth Vader Count Dooku and I play Kylo Ren & General Grievous.

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